Friday, December 31, 2010


I would just like to say, time needs to stop going by so fast. It's seriously getting annoying. For real though, the past few weeks have been a blur. Christmas is already over and in a couple hours it will be a brand new year.

Let's recap on 2010:
-I started a blog!
-I blew out 17 candles on my birthday cake
-My true love came into my life (Brylon, my camera)
-I applied, and was accepted into Clearwater Christian College
-I actually attended 2 school dances (If you know me at all, that is a pretty big deal)
-A new addition to the family! My cousin now has a beautiful baby girl, Rylee Paige, who will actually be a year old tomorrow!
-I learned how to catch a frisbee
-Senior? Is that possible?
-I watched my baby brother sing in many Show Choir performances
-Speaking of singing, my little sister scored the solo in her Veteran's Day program
-Youth group went to Teen Leadership Conference
-New(ish) Youth Pastor, and exciting things are happening at Southside Baptist Church
-Started playing guitar
Wheww, I feel like that's a lot, when it really isn't half of it!

Looking ahead to 2011:
-I will be a legal adult!
-China? (Oh, I'm hoping so!)
-Did I mention graduation?

I love the idea of a fresh start and a new beginning. A new year kind of gives us that, a time to start again with no mistakes. What we forget though, is this is a gift God gives us everyday. Each morning we wake up is a brand new opportunity to serve Him. So my new years resolution is this: Remembering I don't need a new year to start again. God forgives my mistakes and I can live everyday for Him!

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