Tuesday, June 12, 2012


If you were to ask my mom what the hardest part of our adoption journey has been so far easily her answer would be: right now, the waiting. The dossier is complete and translated and we are waiting for an official log in date right now. But what is so hard to wait for now is a referral. It could come tomorrow or it could come weeks from now, we simply don't know.

But what I do know is this: my God is a God who hears and listens to our cries and desires of our hearts. I know I can boldly go before Him and make my request known. So I am boldly going before my Jesus and voicing my desire. My prayer is that THIS month we will get the referral.

I fully understand that God's timing is perfect and if His will is that we don't receive the referral this month  that He still heard my prayer but is just preparing my family for the perfect time. I also fully understand that He loves when we cry out to Him from the deepest part of our hearts and He will act on it.

Will you join with me in prayer? It is a powerful communication when we call out to God and He is faithful to respond.

Please pray with us that this month we will receive news that we have our referral.

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